Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

28th June - Woom Gallery, Birmingham

Ace Bushy Striptease aren't a particularly arty band but our lovely friends Mr Cricket asked us to play at an event they were putting on at the Woom Gallery in the Jewellery Quarter and we said yes and so we played it.

The day was one of film and music and we made lots of friends and watched some super films and some very great music. You know when you go to an all-day event and you always get a couple of dud acoustic guys moaning at you from behind their Paul Weller haircuts or badly tuned guitars but yeah surprisingly everyone who played was actually fantastic! Anna Burges and Mr Cricket and the acoustic guy with awesome loudQUIETloud vocals whose name escapes me right now all blew up the room.

We headlined with only one practice under our belt (the night before) since our previous show and yeah we had fun playing rock very fast! The bass playing was very loose as the tumour on Simon's finger fell off the night before and so it was a bit tender. Debut performance proper of 'Arrogance' which was lovely.


  1. The Introduction
  2. Elephant
  3. The World's Longest Limousine For Cattle
  4. Panda Love Unit
  5. Fancy Whistle Man, Whistl (Tom Wade)
  6. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  7. Totally Ice Cream
  8. Eczema Catastrophe
  9. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  10. Flying Bayonets
  11. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD
  12. The Last Walts