Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

24th November - Port Mahon, Oxford

Forth ever show outside of Birmingham! We are touring tour de force!

Unfortunately, this time EC couldn't make it to the show because she is a busy girl y'know and can't afford to be off gallavanting with a group of smelly bois (we were actually a bit smelly) when there is important degree stuff that really should take charge over fannying about trying to do indiepop. Next time we play Oxford she will be there and it'll be far more controlled and less wonky. Terra was stepping in again on the pans for us because he's a bloody nice lad.

We caught the train to Oxford and talked about things and that was about it really... until we got to Oxford!!!

Then we got to Oxford and walked to the venue because we are really good at directions and walking. We got there much faster than we thought we would so we went off to find some food suitable for our Birmingham tummies. In Oxford it seems, they have much more refined tastes than we're used to but eventually we found the poshest takeaway kebab place in the world maybe and Bas went and did a really long poo in their toilets. Terra ate a kebab.

At the venue we were excited to meet up with Ellis from The Bumblebees who was putting us on. He is so nice and lovely and we talked about indiepop and other great stuff like that! Then the other bands turned up and we set up the music stuff (they did it while we watched). The Jelas came all the way from Bristol and Frogspawn fell across the road into the venue.

We did some soundchecking but couldn't really remember how the songs went and so there were a few prima donna sissy hits before we sulked off and had great conversations with everyone in the room. That cheered us up a lot I think. Then Frogspawn went on and played and I enjoyed the drumming and all the chants and apparently all their chants were quotes from films staring someone who I can't remember but that's pretty rad isn't it!

We went on stage and did some rocking out and it went really well actually! I don't think we made more than two mistakes in the whole show! There was a bit of a microphone problem during 'Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD' but that was more funny than rubbish and then we read from Don Quixote and jived sooo hard until the end of our set.

Then The Jelas played their set and wiped the floor with us and our ideals and our dreams of one day maybe being the most competent and beautiful and brilliant spatcore band of all time. You have to listen to them right now and then go and see them live when they play yr city as they are redefining cuddlecore for a mass audience. Seriously brill! They even had one song (their new one without a title I think it was) which had a bit in it that was slightly like our song 'Fancy Whistle Man, Whistl (Tom Wade)'. They read our minds before we'd had a chance to and then spat it back at us better than we could ever hope to. We're not bitter really, we just want to see them at every concert we go to from now on because they make dancing essential.

We stayed at Ellis' house because we are wasters and we wrote half a concept album about David Icke and his new lizard girlfriend. It was pretty beautiful in some parts and then lovely in others. We slept and then came home. Thank you for having us x.

Thank you also to Luke and James Cunning for coming down to watch us play and to Terra for being lovely and drumming for us. Thank you god x.


  1. The Introduction
  2. Panda Love Unit
  3. Puddle Chasers (A Public Meeting 2 Discuss Recent Flooding In Selly Park & Stirchley)
  4. HF, HS, HSS
  5. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  6. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  7. Flying Bayonets
  8. And She Smiled (At Me) Across The Void
  9. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD