Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

31st October - Halloween Super Show, Actress & Bishop, Birmingham

Arjun had left and Jeremy was still away but we had a singer still, I guess that was something...

After worrying a bit (a lot) about what we'd do without anyone who had ever percussioned for us before, we asked our lovely friend Terra (who isn't a drummer) to come and play drums for us. We managed a few band practices as you do before a show and then EC came down on the day of the show and we practiced some more and realised we sort of knew how the songs were supposed to go.

We ate some food and I think Bas had a panini before rushing toward the venue because we were a bit late due to Bas being a slugish muncher. We still got there before everyone else so that was a bit of a moral victory for running. There was a soundcheck and one band got a bit touchy feely about us headlining over them so we let them go on last and in return we were due to open the evening with some melodic post-cuddlecore sponge-poppin skiz glotch. But then we went on and played our regular songs (plus some new ones) pretty much the same as normal but maybe with a few more 'mistakes'. It was fun(ish).

I do not remember the names of either of the bands we played with but they were tight and competent and rocking but maybe not really our cup of tea. I'm sure they'll both be massive probably, I hope they are. I remember after we had finished, one of the bands said we sounded like another band but I can't really remember who they said. Never mind. Also, before the concert we were talking to one of them about Mclusky. We were hoping they might sound a bit like them. They didn't.

Then we went out and got our swerve on a bit and that was the end of the night.x


  1. The Introduction
  2. Panda Love Unit
  3. Puddle Chasers (A Public Meeting 2 Discuss Recent Flooding In Selly Park & Stirchley)
  4. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  5. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  6. Flying Bayonets
  7. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  8. HF, HS, HSS
  9. And She Smiled (At Me) Across The Void
  10. By (p)Roxy
  11. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD