Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

24th July - Jeremy's Basement, Hove (I think)

Jeremy was set to go to India and so he got us down to his house in Brighton and then there was a little party.

There are house party lineups and then there are ultra super bands playing and having the superest time of all time. DJ Headache played first and had the greatest knob twiddling/twanging a bit between some beats/the beats breaking half way through the set/semi-improv(maybe) rock super. DJ Headache is maybe the best.

THEN it was time for Ace Bushy Striptease to play our last show with full band love for 5 months. We learned some of our songs with our tip-top new singer called Emma in the afternoon before the show and then we played and it was so fun. We attempted a power ballad and then an oi punk version of the We Aeronauts hit 'Chalon Valley House Band'. It was terrific and then we did some more songs and people shouted when we shouted at them and it was defo the most enjoyable concert we have put on.

Last up was a seriously amazing We Aeronauts/Shall We Set Ben On Fire mixed set. They covered 'Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad' and played all the hits. People were seriously swooning all over the shop! Then there was a noise jam at the end with Jeremy on bass, Bas Bushy Striptease on guitar, James Aeronaut on guitar and Greg Aeronaut on drum. Super good. Then we went down to the beach and sat down.


  1. Chalon Valley House Band - We Aeronauts cover
  2. The Introduction
  3. Flying Bayonets
  4. Totally Ice Cream
  5. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  6. Fancy Whistle Man Whistl (Tom Wade)
  7. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  8. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  9. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD